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Zayed University All-Set For Distant Learning

Zayed University All-Set For Distant Learning

Following the current health and safety precautions issued by the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention and the Ministry of Education, Zayed University students are taking an early Spring Break starting March 8th till March 19th 2020.

University Officials stated that Zayed University diligently abides to the health and safety precautions and regulations issued by the government. They also mentioned that the remaining two weeks of March, the 22nd till April 2nd, students and faculty are to complete educational material via Adobe Connect application to ensure proper distant learning.

Adobe Connect is an option for online synchronous (at the same time, live) classroom between teachers and students. “All students have access to a microphone to enable them to actively participate with teachers and their classmates. Teachers can facilitate discussions, present Presentation slides, engage with Poll questions, foster collaboration amongst students in Breakout Rooms and much more,” said Michael Wilson, University Provost.

He also mentioned that the ZU Centre for Educational Innovation is offering a one-hour orientation session, starting today (Wednesday March 4, 2020) at different timings throughout the day to prepare faculty members for the Distant Learning Adobe Connect Application.

Meanwhile the University’s IT department alongside some Faculty members are putting together an instructional video concerning the distant learning mechanisms, which shall be shared with the students in the next few days.

All students are recommended to ensure obtaining a computer device and an internet connection to attend the online classes. Those who fail to adhere will be marked absent. And starting April 5th 2020 student will return and attend classes on campus until further notice.

Adding to the precautionary and preventive measures, the University has taken several steps to reduce the possibility of transmitting the novel COVID-19 Coronavirus. ZU followed the recent instructions issued by the UAE Ministry of Education, which called upon all higher education institutions last Sunday to Halt all internal and external trips, competitions, festivals and activities on campus, especially students’ assemblies and gatherings, and Events and activities between universities or with other entities with immediate effect until further notice.

Further to the instructions from higher authorities, Zayed University started campus sanitization and disinfection in the public areas, classrooms, and toilets, as precautionary health and safety measures.

The Campus Physical Development and Services department has placed several awareness posters at entries and notice boards that had been approved and issued from the health authorities in UAE.

The University has advised students, faculty, and staff to follow the guidelines and protection measures, which have been issued by the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, as follows: “Avoid close contact with people and public assemblies. When sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with the inside of your elbow or using a tissue instead of your hand. Avoid hugging or kissing others, avoid nose to nose greetings. Do not travel while sick, and stay home and avoid contact with others. Seek medical care right away and tell them about your recent travels and symptoms. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Wash hands regularly with soap and water, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.”

The University Wellness Center, which provides medical assistance for unwell students, first-aid as well as promoting health education, is currently collaborating with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), to issue symptoms notes to be circulated across both campuses via emails, social media, and signboards. A medical specialist recommended the necessity of the above measures to reduce students’ stress and eliminate the spread of rumors. She further added that the UWC is in direct contact with health authorities across the nation in case of an emergency.

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