To offer the premier educational experience where students will develop 21st century intellectual and academic skills, a life-long passion for learning, an appreciation for diversity and beauty, a global perspective, an inclination to innovate, and the qualities of character that will allow them to make their greatest contribution. All over the world, schools are slow to incorporate new research on learning and motivation. Fields as diverse as genetics and the neuroscience of the brain are brimming with new findings. But schools have essentially remained the same, teaching standard content to the mid-range student, and failing to provide the excitement of a rich and stimulating program to all learners. The very definition of intelligence is shifting from rote memorization to design thinking, inquiry, and insight. GEMS Nations Academy will implement a program that distinguishes us as a center of academic excellence. We are utilizing advanced teaching pedagogy, based on Harvard Project Zero, a system developed at Harvard University School of Education that will serve as a map for all our teachers in every subject and at every grade level; all expertly guided by our team of top educational professionals.
Our Address:
Gems Nations Academy
25.104331, 55.18111499999998