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Dubai International Academy Announces 99% Passing Rate For MYP Certificate

Dubai International Academy Announces 99% Passing Rate For MYP Certificate

The Middle Years Programme(MYP) team at Dubai International Academy are proud to announce its continued improvement of its MYP results. This year, DIA had 154 students registered for the May 2020 examination session and obtained a 99% passing rate for MYP Certificate students which is the highest ever at DIA.

The subject results reflect these improvements with DIA having seventeen out of twenty-one subjects above world averages. They have also achieved outstanding results in the Personal Project with DIA students having an average score of 5.43 against a world average of 3.86, with sixteen DIA students obtaining the top score of 7. Through its continued improvement plan,they have scored the highest ever subject averages over the past five years in the following subjects- Spanish, French, Arabic B, Physical & Health Education and Drama.

A final note of congratulations to our outstanding top achievers;

55/56- Sneha Sahay

54/56- AnushaAlam&NourHedna

53/56- Raghav Chutani

Sneha was delighted and quoted “These results have been a pleasant surprise for me and I’m very excited to see what the future holds. I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of my peers on their MYP achievements as well, and to thank my teachers for all of their support throughout my journey so far. For all students going into the MYP, my advice is to stay resilient and focus on the process – the results will reflect the individual effort you put in over the entire two years of the course.”

Congratulations again to the wonderful MYP results of the Class of 2020!

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