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Brighton College Dubai Celebrates First Ever GCSE Results

Brighton College Dubai Celebrates First Ever GCSE Results

After successfully managing their studies during the COVID-19 pandemic disruption and sitting their Mathematics GCSE Examination early in January this year, two Brighton College Dubai pupils have achieved a highly impressive 100% Grade 9 (A*), which is a true testament to the academic excellence that Brighton College is renowned for.

Pupils Madeleine Cranitch and Ross Bannerman, who are Head Girl and Head Boy at the school, both secured a 100% GCSE Mathematics result whilst studying at the school. The achievement shines a light on the excellent teaching at Brighton College Dubai, which has mentored the pupils in achieving a grade 3.5 times higher than their predicted grades,which they were given from external tests when they joined the College.

Simon Crane, Head Master of Brighton College Dubai,said: “I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our first GCSE pupils who have exceeded their targets.  Given the worldwide exam uncertainty, this year has been a demanding one and we do not underestimate the amount of effort that has been required from both pupils and teachers who have had to adapt to a fluid learning style.There is no doubt in my mind that Brighton College Dubai pupils have benefited enormously from a relatively uninterrupted education, with dedicated teachers who go above and beyond.  My warmest congratulations to our excellent pupils and staff on these fantastic achievements!  As well as being academically dedicated, our pupils have been involved in all other aspects of school life, including taking on wellbeing initiatives, sports and leadership positions.”

Madeleine Cranitch, Head Girl and pupil at Brighton College Dubai said: “I’m completely overwhelmed and so thankful to my teachers at Brighton College Dubai. It’s nice knowing that all the hard work really does pay off!”

Head Boy and pupil at Brighton College Dubai, Ross Bannerman also commented: “Opening the results was a massive relief after all the hard work.  To know that we’re the first Brighton College Dubai pupils to receive GCSE results and to have these as our legacy is a tremendous honour.”

Jane Clewlow, Deputy Head Academic said: “I am delighted with the performance of our first ever GCSE pupils.  The fact that amidst a global pandemic and with four months of learning from home in the last academic year, as well as interruptions to the continuity of their education this academic year, these pupils have sat formal GCSEs six months earlier than most pupils and have achieved such impressive results is testament to their hard work and dedication.  The value-added measure of +3.5 shows the power of excellent teaching combined with high levels of academic and pastoral support.  As a College we are immensely proud of their achievements.”

NilayOzral, CEO of Bloom Education who has introduced Brighton College to the region by investing in three Brighton Colleges in the UAE added: “Brighton College Dubai’s success is reflected in our outstanding teachers who provide pupils with the all-encompassing support and encouragement they need to go on to achieve highly impressive achievements such as these. It has been a challenging year but our staff have gone above and beyond as always to ensure that our pupil’s learning hasn’t been disrupted.  These pupils are an amazing example of the exemplary standards that both Brighton College and Bloom Education stand for, and they have shown what true hard work and determination can achieve.”

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